Earl: June 24, 1941
"Crit and I are the only ones left now. We’re tired of the bachelor life too but we can’t find a place to stay that isn’t crowded to death."
To: Miss Mabel Dixon, Box 76, Blackey, Ky.
Monday Morning
Dearest Mabel,
The letter I should have written you yesterday I’m writing this morning. It’s quieter now and I don’t have any interruptions. It will come just as early because I couldn’t have mailed it until this afternoon anyway—when I go to work.
I had a sweet letter from you Saturday night when I came from work. I have it before me now. I’ve been reading it every since then to pass the time away.
It gets more lonesome here every day. I don’t like the night shift so much. I don’t mind working at night but I don’t like to stay by myself during the day. I never see anyone except for a little while early in the morning and then I have to worry away the day by myself. If I could spend the day with you I wouldn’t ask for any more.
Joe went home Friday. I wasn’t here when he left so I don’t know if he went to stay or not. I think he was tired of batching though.
Crit and I are the only ones left now. We’re tired of the bachelor life too but we can’t find a place to stay that isn’t crowded to death. I’d rather try this than be crowded to the point where you have no privacy at all. That’s the big trouble around here. There are so many people working here that you can’t find a decent place to stay. We’re going to batch for the rest of the week and try to find a place in the meantime, if that is possible.
I told you I thought I’d have to buy a car to get to work. Well I bought an old trap and it hasn’t been anything but trouble since I’ve had it. Right now it has a flat, a burned out generator, burns too much gas and oil, and the starter won’t work, to mention a few of the minor things. I don’t know whether I ought to finish paying for it or not. If I don’t I’ll lose what I’ve already paid on it. If I can get it fixed up without too much expense I’ll keep it. If I can’t the garage can have it back.
Sweetheart, it’s so helpful to get a letter from you. I get so worried about things at times trying to figure out what’s best for me. I get to the point where I don’t know what to do. That’s when a letter from you helps, darling. I’m going to have to keep you with me all the time so your help will be close at hand. Willing? I do need you.
You make me envious when you talk about playing with Rex, working in the garden, etc. I wouldn’t want to take your place but I’d like to share it with you. You wouldn’t mind that would you? Don’t you sell all those watermelons. You’ve got to save one for me.
You’re going to be wearing crutches soon if you don’t watch watch what you’re doing. First you get run over, then you fall over yourself and with a bucket of water in your hand. My! My! I wouldn’t have been surprised though. I’d probably have been so mad that I’d have thrown the bucket away. That’s where you’re better than I am though. I could mention lots of other ways you’re better too.
Just talk to me every night when I’m at work, honey. I do need company, special company, the kind that only you can give me. I need it badly. I didn’t know that loving someone a great deal could change one’s viewpoint so much. Everything is seen in a different light. It helps to make a stronger character. It’s helped me. Neither did I know it could be painful at times. I love you and I can’t be with you when I want to. I don’t like that, but I suppose that I must learn to make the best of it. It’s hard though.
Sure you’d better practice some because there isn’t going to be any maybe about it. We are going to sing some songs together—and soon!
You’re understanding, Mabel. You know just what I mean whatever I write. I don’t have to worry about you getting the wrong idea as some people might. And best of all you see things the same way I do. That’s why I know the opportunity for me to kiss you when I like will always be ours. If I didn’t know you loved me and if I didn’t love you as I do I couldn’t say that.
I’ve just put some coffee on to boil to take to work with me. I don’t usually drink coffee but I need something to keep me awake at nights and that helps. Next Monday I’ll start working days again and I’ll be glad. I can get on a regular schedule again.
I have to go to work pretty soon so it’s about time for me to start getting ready. I wrote you part of a letter last night while I was at work so I’ll send it along. You might like to read it though it isn’t interesting.
Here’s a kiss for you, honey, to use when you like because it isn’t a good-night kiss.
I love you, Mabel,
P.S. What’s Ray’s address is Louisville? I may get a chance to look him up sometime.
Sunday Evening (the extra letter Earl refers to above)
I’m out on the job tonight and as I didn’t get to write you today I’ll start this tonight. I’m stationed in a machine shop this shift. I’m supposed to watch the machinery and see that no one hangs around here that isn’t supposed to. There’s no one working here but the janitor so that ought to be easy.
It’s hot here. I’ve almost melted today. It ought to cool off sometime tonight.
What I write will be pretty irregular because I suppose I’ll have to earn my money—do some watching, but I get a paragraph once in a while to remind you that I never forget you no matter what I’m doing.
It’s around 9:30 now. there’s an office in this building and I’m sitting in one of the chairs—trying it out. It seems to fit me—sits well. I wonder if I’ll ever occupy one.
The back of this letter is dirty where I’ve carried it around, but you won’t mind that, will you?
It’s 20 minutes until eleven now. I’m getting sleepy. I didn’t get much sleep today. Wish I could talk to you for awhile. I wouldn’t be sleepy at all.
I got the letter you wrote last night. Crit had it in his pocket but I found it and read it before I went to bed. I knew that I should have one. Thanks, sweetheart, for the kisses. One would help now.
Will you cook something for me to eat when I come in? I’m hungry. Crit and I did carpentry work again today and didn’t get dinner. I intended to eat in town but I forgot about it. I ate my lunch as soon as I came in and now I’m hungry.
I’m running out of paper so I’ll borrow some from the office supply. They have plenty.
I just broke my pencil lead but there is a pencil sharpener here. This place is awfully accommodating.
Are you dreaming tonight? Don’t forget me. Remember me a part of the time.
The men are beginning to come in for the 12 o’clock shift so I’ll have to stop. Good-night, precious.
I love you,